My Passion

A journey through the world of sport and leadership

My fascination with sport, which began as a child, became a lifelong journey of discovery. Every movement,

every decision I learned from the greats of sport shaped my understanding of leadership: discipline, resilience and the

the art of performing under pressure.

These insights have become my guide to support those who navigate the complex world of business as a consultant and coach


Building bridges betweenTradition & Innovation

In my role as a manager and CEO, I have gained in-depth experience in various leadership cultures, from traditional to modern approaches such as Holocracy and Purpose Economy.

This diversity of perspectives enables me to provide customized solutions that combine both proven and innovative elements to meet the unique challenges of each organization.


Crisis management &
strategic innovation

I've learned that leadership goes far beyond managing tasks; it's about inspiring and empowering people. My work with global brands, investors and my ability to transform cultures qualifies me to navigate you through the most difficult challenges and to forge new, innovative paths.

The stories of sports legends and their unprecedented comebacks have inspired me and given me valuable insights into the power of perseverance and mental strength. My own journey - from personal struggles to professional challenges - has taught me that true growth often comes from pain. As a learning, change and growth facilitator, I am here to help transform these painful experiences into strength and success.

These lessons are universal and I bring them to the business world to help leaders and organizations overcome their own painful moments.

My journey:

Personal challenges
and professional triumphs

From my beginnings in stationary retail to management positions in the industry to co-founding and managing an event agency and as a managing partner in e-commerce, I have worked in a wide range of

knowledge and expertise. Today, as an independent entrepreneur, I use this wealth of experience to support authentic, honest and powerful developments in companies, teams and individuals.

In my personal life, I struggled with neurodermatitis at a young age, a challenge that taught me to develop inner strength and perseverance. These early struggles sharpened my eye for overcoming setbacks and anchored a deep resilience in me that has accompanied me on my further path. I started my career as a young manager, full of ambition but faced with the harsh reality of uncertain decisions and the pressure to deliver quick results.

Every failure, every hurdle became a building block in my development, from which I learned to turn uncertainty into confidence and doubt into determination.

In management positions, I experienced the turbulence of economic crises, the difficulties of various

corporate cultures and the complexity of negotiations under pressure. These experiences formed the foundation of my understanding of navigating choppy business waters and steering companies through unpredictable challenges.

Guiding a company through an insolvency process was one of the most intense pain experiences of my career. It taught me the importance of clarity, courage and the ability to keep a cool head even in the most turbulent times.

These personal and professional pain experiences have shaped me and allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the challenges leaders face. They serve as the basis for my work as a consultant and coach to help others overcome their own moments of pain and transform them into passion and performance

The certified training meets the quality criteria of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

During our more than eight years of working together as Co-Managing Directors in an extremely demanding market and

organizational environment, I have always found Marcus to be someone with a remarkable blend of empathy, competence and

competence and authenticity. His empathetic nature enables him to quickly build deep trust with employees and stakeholders, which is crucial to successfully manage transformation processes. Marcus is characterized not only by his strong empathy, but also by his outstanding leadership qualities.

Even under enormous pressure, he always keeps a clear view of the essentials and implements important initiatives with determination and conviction. His ability to drive change even in the face of strong resistance is impressive and has contributed significantly to the success of our organization. Marcus is also a real team player who knows how to motivate and inspire people. I can unreservedly recommend him as a manager and consultant, especially for those facing major organizational challenges.

- Jakob Keller, CEO-

I accompanied Marcus for several years in a combination of team coaching for the management and individual coaching, helping him to go through development processes himself and to enable the next step in the company. These were intensive processes, as he consistently kept at it, was not afraid to keep peeling back "the onion" and gave this process his full commitment. Outstanding developments were possible because he is very self-reflective, can empathize very emphatically with a wide range of perspectives and is able to take people on a journey. A journey full of pain and passion and a lot of joy and fun.

Dr. Katrin Hinzdorf -

Qualified psychologist & certified individual and team coach;

EMCC Master Coach & Accredited Supervisor

Marcus is characterized by a unique blend of challenging support and encouragement. He knows how to motivate and at the same time recognize and promote skills and potential. Thanks to his support

I have always been able to surpass myself. What sets Marcus apart is his passion, energy and enthusiasm for his work. His unwavering commitment to the development of people is palpable and has left a lasting impression on me. He responds to individual needs with genuine interest and supports people in their personal and professional development. I can highly recommend Marcus as a coach. His many years of experience, his enthusiasm and above all his great interest in the development of people make him an exceptional coach who can help every client to develop their full potential.

- Katharina Barthlen, Senior Agile Consultant -

Marcus supported me significantly during my first management experience at Keller Sports and helped me to surpass myself as a manager through his experience, advice and trust in me. I started as a manager and after a few months I took over a department including a newly started employee. Unfortunately, I didn't have an ideal start as a manager and not only had to work on my development as a manager in the first few months, but also with an unsuitable appointment and a dismissal during the probationary period. Marcus accompanied and supported me right from the start. We worked together on my development (including conflict resolution training) and on finding positive solutions to the challenges. Looking back, I took a lot from this intensive time and was able to build a very strong team of 3 employees after a difficult start and good development.

- Julia Roppelt, Digital Consultant - 

Marcus was instrumental in shaping my leadership style by teaching us leaders a crucial mindset: the courage to lead through uncertainty. He taught me to always be a shining example as a leader - courageous and leading the way, even when facing my own fears. The art of inspiring the team and keeping an open ear despite a busy schedule is what true leadership is all about. Because ultimately, it is the combined forces of a team that lead us through the toughest challenges to victory.

- Lisa Willmann, Head of Marketing - 

I have experienced Marcus as a leader in challenging situations. Marcus stands for a holistic, adaptable and people-centered approach to managing and supporting leaders. With his extensive experience, his ability to create clarity and his goal-oriented, calm approach, he is the ideal partner for companies and managers who want to assert themselves in an ever-changing business world.

- Stefan Herzog, self-employed entrepren 

In my role as Chairman of the Advisory Board of Keller Sports, I would like to emphasise that the cooperation with Marcus was always characterised by extraordinary trust. Even in the most challenging times of crisis, Marcus maintained remarkable calm and clarity, always kept an overview and showed exceptional commitment to the company. 

- Jussof Breshna, Managing Director Reiman Investors - 


Unique Solutions for

Let's transform your painful challenges into successes together. I invite you to get in touch with me directly and explore how my extensive experience and personal commitment can serve you as a leader or your organization. Experience individual consulting, woMentoring and coaching that not only empowers but also inspires you to reach new horizons.


Then simply contact me. I look forward to our exchange!