In a rapidly and fundamentally changing world, leaders are facing critical pain points, especially in the current uncertain times when economies and businesses are affected by economic volatility, geopolitical tensions and fundamental changes in lifestyles and attitudes to work as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, and organizations are struggling more than ever with personnel, procedural and structural changes.

Power & Mental Health for Leaders

In order to survive, continuous productive development of the organization and its employees is essential. And it's about more than just tools and techniques - it's about heart and mind. Individually tailored solutions that combine the perfect balance of useful tools and an employee mindset that is willing to change. The human factor must be placed at the center of change.

Success in change management is measured by emotional involvement, not mere rational persuasion. Only if people are behind the change will the transformation succeed in the long term.


The goal is to develop a robust and purpose-driven corporate culture to enable adaptive organizational dynamics. An important basis for igniting passion that leads to increased clarity and focus, boosts motivation and commitment, improves decision-making, deepens the sense of belonging and makes each individual clearly aware of their role and contribution, which leads to lasting competitiveness for companies.


Change & Crises Management Cases

In today's uncertain business environment, the disconnect between existing operating models and market realities is becoming increasingly apparent. Companies are facing profitability challenges that have become more pressing over the past three years, narrowing the margin for tolerance and error. Efficiency measures are therefore increasingly coming into focus.

Although it is widely perceived that organizations are not reaching their full potential despite high levels of resources, few have successfully overcome the challenges. Effective transformation is crucial and involves both overhauling the fundamentals of how things work and taking a leap forward, particularly in putting decision-making freedoms back into the hands of employees. It is critical for leaders to work towards simplifying organizational structures to increase productivity and effectiveness.

This includes reducing complexity, sharpening roles, their flexibility and responsibilities, and promoting efficient decision-making to create an agile and decisive organization. My expertise leverages the best approaches of traditional and modern organizational forms (holocracy) and adapts them individually to companies in order to develop a tailor-made strategy for sustainable success.

As a navigator in learning, changing and growing, I support transformations to an agile, resilient organization, characterized by efficient work processes, the introduction of new methods and AI solutions. Together, we cultivate a corporate culture based on a strong purpose to attract customers and top talent alike and secure long-term competitive advantages.

Let's work together to ensure that your corporate culture enables adaptive organizational dynamics.


  • Hurdles to success
  • Overcoming resistance in the change process in a medium-sized company
    Optimize setup, win the game
  • Implementation difficulties in the introduction of holacracy in a start-up

"Innovation is not driven by technology and new tools alone.

Companies need to develop a strong culture and agile working methods in order to remain competitive in the long term."

Marcus Trute


I help companies to organise management changes more smoothly. My support includes interim- management through to the optimal selection of successors and coaching of new managers.

The goal: to minimise downtime, increase performance quickly and save the organisation time and energy.

Discover our podcast

Welcome to the world of "Pain & Passion as Leader and Coach" - our podcast that takes you on a fascinating journey through the challenges and successes of leadership and organisational development processes.

Power & Mental 
Health for Leaders

LEADERSHIP CARE - Explore new Horizons

For managers, a balance between professional performance and personal health is crucial and an organization is only as resilient as its employees. It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to promote wellbeing, connectedness and authenticity in the workplace. Leaders must take the lead in this regard. They must have the courage and humility to embrace a permanent "explore new horizons" mindset. It starts with leaders being aware of their own strengths, weaknesses and values, especially under stress, and developing strategies to overcome their fears and limitations.With this self-awareness, leaders are better equipped to harness their passions, renew their energy and help others reach their full potential and that of their organizations.

My accompanying self-care support through situational use of counseling, where mentoring and especially coaching for personal and professional growth is of great importance. My support aims to help leaders or teams identify their true passions, motivations and goals and align these with their professional or corporate aspirations. I help to increase inner motivation, improve job satisfaction and create a deeper connection to one's actions and is about finding and walking a meaningful path, both in a personal and professional context.inspiration and reflection are crucial pillars of success. I also ensure this through inspiring 'time-outs' to promote new ideas and resilience. Let's overcome obstacles together, explore new horizons, climb peaks and focus on what really matters: Your success and your personal well-being.


Leadership Care: Developing leadership talent - the path to becoming a top manager

Leadership Care: From excessive demands to leadership excellence

Individual coaching: Feeling relief and promoting growth for ambitious leaders and teams

  • Leaders in the course of the family business handover
  • Conflicts between founders or management and investors
  • Tensions between founders and their management colleagues


Change & Crises Management & Decision Making

In today's uncertain business environment, the disconnect between existing operating models and market realities is becoming increasingly apparent. Companies are faced with profitability challenges that have become increasingly pressing over the last three years, which has significantly narrowed the margin for tolerance and error.

Although it is widely perceived that organizations are not reaching their full potential despite having ample resources, few have successfully overcome the challenges. Effective transformation is crucial and involves both overhauling the fundamentals of how work is done and taking a leap forward, particularly in putting decision-making freedoms back into the hands of employees.

It is crucial for managers to work towards simplifying organizational structures in order to increase productivity and effectiveness. This includes reducing complexity, sharpening roles, their flexibility and responsibilities, and promoting efficient decision-making to create an agile and decisive organization.

My expertise leverages the best approaches of traditional and modern organizational forms (holocracy), and adapts them individually to companies to develop a tailored strategy for sustainable a navigator in learning, changing and growing, I support transformations to an agile, resilient organization, characterized by efficient work processes, the introduction of new methods and AI solutions. Together we cultivate a corporate culture based on a strong purpose to attract customers and top talent alike and secure long-term competitive advantages.let's ensure together that your corporate culture enables adaptive organizational dynamics.


Overcoming resistance in the change process 

Implementation difficulties in the introduction of holacracy or purpose organizations


nterim Management und Succession Support 

The stability of the management team is of crucial importance. When management positions are vacant, every minute counts. The immediate consequence is a management vacuum. Managers play a central role in setting goals, motivating the team and managing day-to-day operations. Without a clear leader, decision-making processes can stall, the team's direction and priorities can become unclear, and productivity can drop.

Operational continuity can be affected, especially if the outgoing leader has led key projects or critical business processes. Their absence can lead to delays, miscommunication and even the loss of important institutional knowledge. Executives play a crucial role in shaping a company's culture and values. Their departure can change the corporate culture and, depending on the circumstances of their resignation, contribute to uncertainty or demotivation. Other managers or team members often have to step in to fill the gap. This can lead to overwork and divert attention away from their actual tasks, increasing the risk of burnout and loss of productivity. The search for a suitable successor is usually very time-consuming and costly, and as an experienced manager, I offer the opportunity to ensure seamless leadership transitions in companies.

During the search for new leaders, I effectively guide critical business units and their teams to minimize risk, stabilize teams and ensure the continuity of their important projects. Despite the challenges, the vacancy also provides an opportunity for reassessment and possible realignment of the department concerned. My support can bring fresh perspectives, energy and ideas that contribute to transformation and improvement. I analyze, implement preparatory structures and initiate decisive measures that enable a smooth integration of the new manager and thus ensure a seamless transition.

I also actively assist with candidate selection and smooth onboarding support for the first 100 days to ensure an efficient transition. With the experience and perspective of a CEO, I know what is important in these key process steps, allowing business leaders to focus on their core tasks while I ensure the stability and efficiency of the leadership team. A quick, effective analysis of existing structures, followed by targeted measures, can be crucial to ensure the company's success. Let's work together to ensure that leadership transitions guarantee stability and continuity, reduce uncertainty and promote positive dynamics during the change process.


  • Interim support for seamless management transitions
  • Development of MVP leaders 

Discover our podcast

The never-ending story of Pain & Passion as Leader & Coach

This podcast describes an organisational development process as a journey full of pain and passion. The common thread is their collaboration at Keller Sports from 01/19 to 01/23, Marcus as Managing Director in a founding team, Katrin as their coach.

Both share their general experiences and insights on leadership and organisational development to help listeners create attractive, successful and meaningful workplaces.

They explore the dynamics of individuals and teams, organisational culture and the complexities of coaching. The podcast is a combination of personal stories, theoretical knowledge and practical tips.

The hosts talk about their backgrounds as leaders as well as coaches. In the episodes, they will reflect on their approach, add new thoughts, invite other participants and interview people from other organisations.